Cassandra Carpenter

Handling Info

It is very important that your dog has the best experience while being shown. The show bus is a mid-size box truck that is fully equipped with the safest and best modalities to keep each dog safe and happy.

The truck is temperature monitored and has all monitoring devices to ensure your pets are safe. When we are not on the road and at home. I have a dedicated dog room inside of my house.

Cassandra Carpenter

Handling Info

It is very important that your dog has the best experience while being shown. The show bus is a mid-size box truck that is fully equipped with the safest and best modalities to keep each dog safe and happy.

The truck is temperature monitored and has all monitoring devices to ensure your pets are safe. When we are not on the road and at home. I have a dedicated dog room inside of my house.

Focus On Todays Training So Your Dog Can Be Their Best Tomorrow

If you have any question or need information then feel free to connect with me anytime. I love to here from you.

Handling Info

Why Me?

I have a dedicated dog room inside of my house. The dogs are safe and always supervised. I have a dog yard set up with astro-turf and big pens that they can enjoy play time and exercise in a secure area.

I do offer pool conditioning, biking and treadmill exercise for all dogs to keep them in show condition. My goal is to keep all the dogs safe, healthy, and happy.